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How to resolve “Table is Full” error in Payment Proposal Screen in Sage X3

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Steps to resolve "Table is Full" Error in Payment Proposal Screen in Sage X3

Steps to resolve “Table is Full” error in Payment Proposal Screen in Sage X3

If you encounter the error message:
“Table is full: All the payments could not be generated. Restart the automatic proposal”
this issue may be related to the screen size governed by the activity codes “PAY” and “PYL.”
Image 1:
Payment proposal selection
Image 2:

Payment Proposal

Also Read : Stock Count Activity in Sage X3

⇒ Steps to Resolve:

1. Check and Adjust Screen Size

Go to the “PAYPROCTL – Payment Proposal Selection” screen and increase the screen size from the default value of 300 to a larger size. After making the adjustment, validate the screen.
Image 3:

Screen Dictionary

2. Increase Activity Code Size (If still Issue Persists) – 

If the error still occurs after adjusting the screen size, increase the size of the activity codes “PAY” and “PYL” to a value greater than the current setting.
Image 4:
Activity Codes
Image 5:

PYL Activity Codes

After increasing the size, schedule system downtime and run a dictionary validation. Ensure no users are logged into the system during this process.

Following these steps should resolve the Table is full” error in the payment proposal screen.

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