What is S&OP (Sales and operations planning) ?
Summary: S&OP is an essential process for the manufacturing industry. Planning your entire demand and supply process will eventually incerese your company’s profitability. A study by
Summary: S&OP is an essential process for the manufacturing industry. Planning your entire demand and supply process will eventually incerese your company’s profitability. A study by
Summary: Manufacturing is the process of producing goods by using raw materials, chemicals, formulation, machinery and labour. A survey says that after the pandemic covid
Summary: ERP systems are boon to both SMEs and large-scale industries. Its advanced features give optimum growth results to a company. A study says that
What is considered a Fixed Asset in Accounting? Summary: Assets are essential for a company to grow and generate revenue. Assets display the financial health
Summary: Fixed Asset is a constituent part of your business. Fixed assets are long-term assets that a company owns to generate income through business operations. They
Summary: Earlier, international trade was confined to particular pockets worldwide. But today, it’s much more connected and dependent on multiple interconnected partners distributed across the
Summary: Today, service-based companies need to monitor their inventories with the same seriousness as their product-based counterparts. Why? Because although measuring the cost of goods
Summary: Bills of Material (BOM) plays a significant role for companies involved in manufacturing finished products. It enables the manufacturing unit to plan inventories, design,
Summary: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are rapidly transforming the business landscape. Companies across industries recognize the power of automation. They are
Summary: In India, ERP for medical device manufacturing is expected to grow at 37% CAGR to USD 50 billion by 2025. India is already the
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