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What is Amortization? | Definition, Calculation, and Examples

What Is Amortization?

Amortization is the process of paying off a debt over time in regular installments. It’s like breaking down a big bill into smaller, manageable payments. Each payment covers a portion of both the loan amount (called the principal) and the interest charged by the lender. Over time, as you make these payments, the debt gradually decreases until it’s completely paid off.

What is the purpose of Amortization?

Amortization is used to make big purchases more affordable over time. Imagine you want to buy a house, but you don’t have all the money upfront. Instead of paying for the entire house at once, you take out a loan and make smaller payments every month. These payments cover both the loan amount (the price of the house) and the interest charged by the bank. Amortization spreads out the cost, making it easier to manage your finances. It’s also used for things like car loans and student loans, helping people afford important purchases without breaking the bank. In financial terms, amortization helps individuals and businesses budget effectively and plan for the future.


Key Terminology in Amortization

1. Amortization:

amortization meaning spreading out the cost of something expensive, such as a house or a car, over time through regular payments. This helps make big purchases more manageable and affordable. In finance, amortization is crucial because it allows people to budget wisely and plan for major expenses without straining their finances all at once.

2. Amortization Schedule:

Amortization schedule is like a roadmap that shows you how your loan gets paid off over time. It lists each payment you need to make, breaking down how much goes towards paying off the loan (the principal) and how much goes towards paying interest to the lender. It helps you see how much you owe each month and how much progress you’re making towards paying off the loan. This schedule is useful because it lets you track your payments and understand how much you’ll owe in the future.

3. Principal:

In the context of loans and amortization, “principal” is the initial amount of money you borrowed. It’s like the original debt you owe to the lender. When you make payments on a loan, part of the payment goes towards reducing the principal, which means you’re paying back the money you borrowed. So, the principal is the starting point of your loan, and as you make payments, it gradually decreases until the loan is fully paid off.

4. Interest:

Interest is like a fee you pay for borrowing money. When you take out a loan, the lender charges you interest as a percentage of the amount you borrowed. This interest is added to your loan balance, so when you make payments, part of the payment goes towards paying off the interest and the rest goes towards paying off the actual loan amount (the principal). In amortization, interest plays a big role because it’s included in your monthly payments along with the principal. As you make payments over time, you’re not only paying off the loan amount but also the interest, which is why it’s important to understand how much interest you’re being charged and how it affects the total cost of borrowing.

Types of Amortization

1. Straight-Line Amortization:

Straight-Line Amortization is like slicing a cake evenly. Each payment you make stays the same, like cutting equal slices. You divide the total loan amount by the number of payments, and that’s what you pay each time. It’s simple and predictable, making it easy to budget for loan payments.

2. Declining Balance Amortization:

Declining Balance Amortization is like eating a slice of cake—it gets smaller over time. Your payments stay the same, but more goes towards paying off the loan’s balance as you go along. This saves money on interest in the long run, making it cheaper overall.

3. Annuity Payments:

Annuity payments are like receiving a fixed amount of money regularly, such as monthly pension checks. They’re amortized over time by dividing the total amount borrowed by the number of payments. Each payment covers both the loan’s principal (the original amount borrowed) and interest, gradually reducing the debt.

Application of Amortization

1. Mortgages:

In mortgages, payments are amortized to pay off both the loan amount and interest over time. Initially, more of each payment goes towards interest, but gradually, more goes towards the loan’s principal. This reduces the debt over the loan term, making monthly payments decrease and homeowners build equity in their homes.

2. Business Loans:

Businesses use amortization to pay off loans gradually, like paying off a credit card bill in monthly installments. This helps them manage expenses over time, making it easier to afford big purchases or investments. By spreading out payments, businesses can improve cash flow and avoid financial strain.

3. Intangible Assets:

Intangible assets, like patents or trademarks, are amortized by spreading their cost over time. Companies divide the asset’s total value by its useful life, typically several years. Each year, a portion of the asset’s value is recorded as an expense on the company’s financial statements until its value is fully amortized.

Amortization Calculation Methods

1. Amortization Formula:

The basic formula for calculating amortization is:

Amortization=Loan Amount / Number of Payments

This formula divides the total loan amount by the number of payments to determine the amount paid off each period.

2. Amortization Example:

Let’s say you take out a ₹10,000 loan with a 5% annual interest rate to buy a car. The loan term is 3 years, so you’ll make 36 monthly payments.

To calculate the monthly amortization, first, determine the total loan amount: Total Loan Amount=₹10,000

Next, calculate the monthly interest rate by dividing the annual interest rate by 12

(since there are 12 months in a year):

Monthly Interest Rate=5%12=0.0042

Then, use the formula to calculate the monthly amortization:

Amortization=₹10,000 /36=₹277.78

So, each month, you’ll pay ₹277.78 towards paying off the loan, with a portion going towards the principal and the rest towards interest. As you make payments, the loan balance decreases until it’s fully paid off at the end of the 3-year term.

Benefits of Amortization

1. Predictable Payments:

Amortization ensures you pay the same amount each month on your loan, helping you budget better. It’s like having a fixed bill, making your finances more predictable and manageable.

2. Reduced Financial Strain:

Amortization spreads out your payments, preventing the stress of paying a big amount all at once. It’s like breaking up a hefty bill into smaller, more manageable chunks over time.

3. Tax Advantages:

With amortization, you might get tax benefits, like deducting mortgage interest from your taxes. It’s like getting a discount on your taxes for paying interest on your loan.

4. Wealth Building:

Amortization helps homeowners build wealth by gradually paying off their mortgage. As you make payments, you own more of your home, turning it into a valuable asset that could bring future financial opportunities.

5. Interest Savings:

Amortization saves you money on interest throughout your loan. As you pay off your debt, you owe less interest each time, meaning you keep more of your money in the long run.

Considerations of Amortization

1. Total Cost:

Amortization spreads out payments, making them easier to handle, but it can mean paying more interest overall. It’s like stretching out a bill, but you might end up paying more in the end.

2. Long-term Commitment:

Amortization often means committing to paying off loans for a long time, like mortgages that last for many years. It’s like signing up for a long journey, so make sure you can keep up with the payments.

3. Interest Rate Risk:

With variable-rate loans, changes in interest rates can impact your monthly payments, making them unpredictable. This could mean you end up paying more each month if rates go up, so be prepared.

4. Equity Build-up:

In the beginning of paying off a loan, like a mortgage, most of what you pay goes to interest, not owning more of your house. It takes time to build up equity.

5. Prepayment Penalties:

Some loans charge fees if you pay them off before the agreed time. This can stop you from paying early and saving on interest. It’s like a penalty for finishing early.

6. Risk of Default:

Longer loans mean higher chances of not being able to pay back the money, especially if your financial situation isn’t stable or if the economy gets worse.

Amortization vs. Depreciation:

Aspect Amortization Depreciation
Definition Spreading out the cost of intangible assets Allocating the cost of tangible assets
Application Used for intangible assets like patents, trademarks Used for tangible assets like buildings, vehicles
Examples Software, patents, copyrights Buildings, machinery, vehicles
Methodology Generally, follows a straight-line method Can follow straight-line, declining balance methods
Useful Life Based on the asset’s estimated useful life Based on the asset’s estimated useful life
Measurement Asset’s value decreases over time Asset’s value decreases over time
Tax Implications May have tax benefits such as deductions May have tax benefits such as deductions
Importance Important for industries like technology Important for industries like manufacturing


1. What is amortization meaning?

Amortization is like spreading the cost of something over time, usually for loans or big purchases. Instead of paying all at once, you pay in smaller, regular amounts until the total is covered. It’s like breaking up a big bill into manageable chunks.

2. What is amortization schedule?

An amortization schedule is a timetable that breaks down your loan payments, showing how much of each payment goes toward reducing your debt (the principal) and how much goes toward interest. It helps you track your progress in paying off the loan and predicts future payments.

3. Why Do We Amortize a Loan Instead of Depreciating a Loan? 

Unlike physical assets such as furniture, machinery, and vehicles, a loan is not a physical asset. It doesn’t undergo wear & tear. As such, there is no need to calculate depreciation on a loan amount. Instead, the book value of the loan is periodically reduced as a company pays off its debt through regular payments of the principal and interest amount. An ERP application can help you automate the calculation of the amortization amount.

4. How Do I Know Whether to Amortize or Depreciate an Asset?

As a general rule, tangible assets are depreciated whereas intangible assets are amortized. However, certain tangible assets do not undergo depreciation. Tangible assets are assets with physical form such as furniture, fixtures, vehicles, and machinery. These assets can be seen and touched. They undergo wear & tear and require depreciating over a period of time. In contrast, Intangible are assets that cannot be touched or seen. They include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and goodwill, which are amortized.