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How to post Old Stock Entries for Miscellaneous Issues/ Receipts

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How to post Old Stock Entries for Miscellaneous Receipts

How to post Old Stock Entries for Miscellaneous Receipts

Issue Summary :

Even after running the account interface, there were no stock impacts for the Misc. issues/receipts.


The automatic journal was not linked to Misc. Issues/Receipts transactions. As a result, when a user produces an entry for a transaction, the system does not provide stock impact for those entries (i.e. STK entries).

If we later tag an automatic journal to that entry transaction, the system will apply STK impact to all new entries. But what about the old entries that were made before the automatic journal was tagged?


  • So, to have an impact on the old entries we need to perform the below steps.

Navigate to: Setup Stock Entry Transactions Misc. Issue/receipts

  • Tag the automatic journal and validate the entry transactions.

Miscellaneous Issue

  • After tagging the automatic journal in the entry transaction screen, all new entries which are created will have a stock impact.
  • For the old entries, you need to update the accounting code (ENTCOD_0) ‘STKIS’ and change the stock interface flag (AGGIFAFLG_0) to ‘1’ using SQL.   Note: – When the stock interface is processed the system updates the AGGIFAFLG_0 = ‘2’ but there is no impact due to missing ENTCOD_0. To have an impact we need to change the flag to ‘1’.
    • Use the below query to check the entry and update both fields for that entry.





    • Once both fields are updated you can run the Account interface for the required date.
    Note: – If you don’t have SQL access, you can update it from the front end as well from the below path.

    Navigate to: – Development Utilities Maintenances In Lines.

    • Select the Table as STOJOU and enter the details of the entry for which you need to update both fields.
    • You need to search ENTCOD and update the accounting code and similarly update the AGGIFAFLG to ‘1’ and then save that entry.

Table Maintenance

Table issue

  • Once both fields are updated you can run the Account interface for the required date.

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