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4 Common Mistakes in Using a CRM System and How to Avoid Them

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4 Common Mistakes in Using a CRM System and How to Avoid Them

As CRM System has been around for a long time, choosing the right CRM software system, implementing it in your organisation as well as its proper usage can benefit the business in various ways. It not only helps in capturing Customer details along with the relevant project and information, but also provides features that help increase the conversion rate. Most of the organisations take optimum advantage of all CRM features by knowing their current and future needs.

However, some fail to recognise how beneficial a CRM System Software can be thereby, ending up with some common yet critical mistakes as explained below. 

No List of Requirements

Sage CRM comprises of simple but vast number of features to handle different types of businesses. However, adopting a CRM software without having an understanding of what your organisation’s requirements are will result in overly complicated and confusing implementation. This can often result in shoddy patchwork of a software, wherein requirements are coded and developed by the vendor and is patched in as and when they are wanted by the client. This sort of work makes the software redundant in a relatively very short period of time forcing the company to invest in other systems. The result however, will be the same if requirements are not clearly understood and communicated.


To tackle this problem, the management needs to sit with every department and understand what they want from the system. This will help in breaking down and communicating better. Preparation of all the requirements of your organisation as a whole while also open to exploring and identifying new technology and features of CRM that can offer solutions to the present problems will make CRM adoption easier and increase the software usage effectively in-house.


Lack of Flexibility

Every organisation tends to grow and expand over a period. This flexible nature of an organisation eventually demands in the change of processes. This means your CRM system should be flexible enough to meet the new business conditions and requirements while also being scalable.

Implementing an inflexible CRM solution can mean that, not before too long you are again in search of a new CRM software. This would not only result in expensive process, but would also impact productivity. With the customisation options in Sage CRM, you can easily start with a simpler CRM solution and later expand it as your business grows.


No Employee Training

The third major key element to be kept in mind at the time of software implementation is – Training to the end users. No Organization can run without its customers and employees. Where it is necessary to provide a good level of service to the customers, ensuring that your employees are well trained for the CRM software will help the team significantly. Negligence in providing training can lead to limited and inconsistent progress of your business services.


The management can form a core group consisting of heads from all major departments in the planning and implementation phase. These group members can in turn train their respective team leaders who can conduct training for the employees. This shuns a huge burden from the vendor to train everyone and the management can prep their resources faster.


Lack of Social Media Integration

Capturing customer’s information through online forms, emails, phone calls and so on are older ways used in running a business. These days, social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc. have become popular for exploring Client background as well as approaching them with new deals and services that could fulfil their requirements. Your organisation’s CRM platform should take into consideration the pros of social media integration. Social CRM is one such way that you can prepare your marketing campaigns around the customer completely while gauging their reactions instantly.


Ignoring trends like Big Data, Industry 4.0, and AI will also prove to be harmful for businesses with a mass target base. Your CRM software, if understood and implemented properly can be a catalyst in your growth story providing stability and sustainability for the business to grow.

To know more about how Sage CRM can benefit your organisation, write to us at


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